Minggu, 03 Agustus 2014

Heritage Kids Songs



Cerita Anak_ Hallo guys... You know heritage kids? Yeah.. right.. this is a list songs

  1. heritage kids-Butterfly Song
  2. heritage kids-Father Abraham
  3. heritage kids-Hallelu, Hallelujah
  4. heritage kids-His Banner Over Me is Love
  5. heritage kids-I'm in the Lord's Army
  6. heritage kids-Jesus Love the Little Children
  7. heritage kids-Jesus Love the Little one like Me
  8. heritage kids-The B-I-B-L-E
  9. heritage kids-The Berdies in the Treetops
  10. heritage kids-The Happy Day Express
  11. heritage kids-The Salad Chorus
  12. heritage kids-The Wise Man Built His House
  13. heritage kids-This Little Light of mine
  14. heritage kids-When I Got to Heaven
  15. heritage kids-Who's the King of The Jungle
  16. heritage kids-You're Happy and You know it
  17. heritage-I Am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
  18. heritagekids-Down in My Heart

Waw.. This eighteen songs..  Want to download? haha.. OK i give it FREE..

Just klik this link to download,

Thankyou guys to visit this site.. Hope you're enjoy.
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